In January 2022, Carrie Fox set out on a blog series called Finding the Words because she had something to say. By the end of the year, you were doing more than listening. You were deeply in this work with her. And because of you, we’re keeping this series going, every week through 2023 and beyond. Our promise: Carrie will keep delivering these essays each Wednesday morning to further support your work as a communicator for change. Your promise: keep telling us how these insights are impacting and influencing your work.

Here are some of the most regularly shared columns. If you like what you see, then subscribe here.

Purpose at Work Carrie Fox Purpose at Work Carrie Fox


The next time you’re planning some time away, consider how you'll communicate it with your values at the center of your message: what you stand for, whom you prioritize, and what you live for.

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Purpose at Work Carrie Fox Purpose at Work Carrie Fox

Be The Change.

The challenges you’re trying to “figure out” may be opportunities to chart a new or different course forward. Stay true to who you are and what you believe in, and the path you’re meant to take will open to you.

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Purpose at Work Carrie Fox Purpose at Work Carrie Fox

Not The Response I Expected.

If you’re looking for an actual answer from Twitter about layoffs, declines in ad revenue, mounting lawsuits, or any other issue, you’ll need to keep waiting. As for your own press strategy, if you’re looking to build trust and credibility, set aside the emojis and autoresponders. Instead, focus on what you can say—and say it authentically. 

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Purpose at Work Carrie Fox Purpose at Work Carrie Fox

To Bravely Begin Again.

Being brave can mean so many things. It can mean taking an unexpected detour in your career, only to follow the greater passion inside of you. Being brave can mean advocating for changes to your corporate policies to better support the mental health of your colleagues. Being brave can mean owning your power as a communicator for positive social change.

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Read the first year of Finding the Words articles.