In January 2022, Carrie Fox set out on a blog series called Finding the Words because she had something to say. By the end of the year, you were doing more than listening. You were deeply in this work with her. And because of you, we’re keeping this series going, every week through 2023 and beyond. Our promise: Carrie will keep delivering these essays each Wednesday morning to further support your work as a communicator for change. Your promise: keep telling us how these insights are impacting and influencing your work.
Here are some of the most regularly shared columns. If you like what you see, then subscribe here.
Values at Work.
We will all have bad days and losses that can feel hard to swallow. Those moments may discourage you, but don’t let them distract you from your values. Because when your values are clear, the impact is undeniable.
Civility at Work.
Incivility at work is an intensifying reality. It can get the better of us and bring out the worst in us. This week, practice “ventilating your soul with tenderness,” and work to create spaces that foster civil conversation and muscle building. I think you’ll find the whole team gets stronger as a result.
Brace Yourself for This.
No organization is immune from a crisis erupting at any moment. It’s how you prepare, plan, coordinate, and communicate in the moments of calm that will determine how you weather the storm when it rolls in.
Can AI Make Us More Human?
AI is an important tool and an indelible part of our future. But we don't need to lose our humanity in the process of using it. Consider how your team's intelligence can be augmented by technology, rather than replaced by technology, and you'll be futureproofing your work in the process.
Mind Over Machine.
The memory in our pockets directly affects the memory in our heads—and that impacts how we communicate. So, before you reach for the phone to help you remember something, give yourself time to think. Practice building back up your memory and brain function, and you should start to see that digital amnesia clear up, too.
Better Bots?
At best, AI tools like ChatGPT can spark fresh ideas or inspiration for your writing. At worst, they spread misinformation and reinforce bias, while reducing our human abilities to connect, learn and process information. It’s not a case to avoid the technology, but a reminder to use it wisely.