In January 2022, Carrie Fox set out on a blog series called Finding the Words because she had something to say. By the end of the year, you were doing more than listening. You were deeply in this work with her. And because of you, we’re keeping this series going, every week through 2023 and beyond. Our promise: Carrie will keep delivering these essays each Wednesday morning to further support your work as a communicator for change. Your promise: keep telling us how these insights are impacting and influencing your work.

Here are some of the most regularly shared columns. If you like what you see, then subscribe here.

Purpose at Work Carrie Fox Purpose at Work Carrie Fox

You Are Here.

I know the feeling of wanting more from a colleague—and the feeling of personally underdelivering. Even when I’ve given something my all, sometimes the results are less than I hoped. Those moments can be defeating, and they can knock us off course. If they happen too often, they’re a certain recipe for job transition. So, I’ve come to navigate these requests differently in recent years.

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Carrie Fox Carrie Fox

Common Ground.

Lederach is a renowned peacebuilding leader who has engaged with peace processes around the world for four decades. In his latest book, available as a free download on his site, he offers practical insights grounded in global experience to help readers navigate and address the conflicts we face in our communities and country. John Paul gives context, structure, and a frame for finding common ground, and for re-investing in the power of "improbable dialogue."

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Purpose at Work Carrie Fox Purpose at Work Carrie Fox

Life Through a Different Lens.

The generation gap isn’t an excuse for disconnection and engagement—it’s an invitation to get closer. If you’re leading or managing a team, take this week’s column as a prompt to initiate conversations that can help build back the social support systems we’ve been losing in recent years.

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Purpose at Work Carrie Fox Purpose at Work Carrie Fox

Polarization at Work?

Political polarization is real and will likely grow in the coming months. Get ahead of it in your workplace by helping your team build the skills to navigate divisive conversations while actively supporting civic engagement.

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Courageous Leadership Carrie Fox Courageous Leadership Carrie Fox

Do You Know Your Impact?

You may not think your actions influence someone else’s path, but they do. Pause today and consider someone who has encouraged, inspired, or stood by you in a difficult moment. And reach out to them to say thank you. They may not even be aware of their impact on your life.

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Courageous Leadership Carrie Fox Courageous Leadership Carrie Fox

Lessons From the Field.

It’s easy to believe that our team can clinch the win, just as we can imagine landing our own big wins at work. But those magic moments don’t come without conditioning, reflection, authenticity, and follow-through. Stay true to who you are, and keep your end goal in sight.

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Courageous Leadership Carrie Fox Courageous Leadership Carrie Fox

Tackling Tough Feedback.

If you want the process of delivering feedback to serve as an opportunity to deepen trust rather than to damage a relationship, then take time to understand the situation AND the person before rushing to assumptions or judgment. Being clear, candid, and consistent can help move your fear of feedback to a practice of love.

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What If?

Whether you manage a big brand or a small startup, a team of thousands, or a team of two, there is power in every single one of your decisions: power to shift and shape society for good. So, I dare you to ask, and then explore more deeply, your individual power to make an impact. Consider the effect of your big decisions and your small ones, too. Then, ask again and again, What If?

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Courageous Leadership Carrie Fox Courageous Leadership Carrie Fox

Checking In.

Checking in may not change the big things, but it will matter deeply to those around you, who need to feel and see that you understand the weight of this time. And maybe that’s something good to hold onto in these uncertain times.

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Courageous Leadership Carrie Fox Courageous Leadership Carrie Fox

Empathy over Ego.

Life is hard, and there will always be more to people’s stories than they let on. Start every day from a place of compassion and a commitment to lead with empathy over ego. In taking the time to understand and practice empathy, you may find that people take the time to understand you better, too.

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Courageous Leadership Carrie Fox Courageous Leadership Carrie Fox

Get A Little Uncomfortable.

Consider where you’re feeling most comfortable in your work and what you could do to push a little further outside of that zone. Challenge one of your existing routines and what “changing up the process” might look like. And while you’re at it, consider where you can give a colleague a boost in their learning by providing safe opportunities to test their boundaries, too.

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Read the first year of Finding the Words articles.